Goketsuji Wiki

This is a compilation of the movelists for Oume Goketsuji throughout her appearances in the Power Instinct series. These moves are when facing right; reverse when facing left.


A= Weak Punch

B= Weak Kick

C= Strong Punch

D= Strong Kick

Comman List[]

Name            Power Instinct 2 Power Instinct Legends Matrimelee Bonnou no Kaihou Senzo Kuyou   
Chu Chu Ume Kaina ← or → + C (Close to the opponent) ← or → + C (Close to the opponent) ← or → + C (Close to the opponent) ← or → + C (Close to the opponent) ← or → + C (Close to the opponent)
Seoi Zabuton Nage ← or → + D (Close to the Opponent) ← or → + D (Close to the Opponent) ----------- ---------- ----------
Kouchou Sha Wanage ← or → + C (Close to the opponent on air) ← or → + C (Close to the opponent on air) ← or → + C (Close to the opponent on air) ← or → + C (Close to the opponent on air) ← or → + C (Close to the opponent on air)
Gan Saishi ← Hold → + A or C ← Hold → + A or C ↓↘→  + A or C ↓↘→ + A or C ↓↘→  + A or C
Ryusei Ranbu Dan Hold → + Tap Punch Repeatidly Hold → + Tap Punch Repeatidly →↘↓↙← + A or C →↘↓↙← + A or C →↘↓↙← + A or C
Tenbu Kyaku on air ↑ ↓ + K on air ↑ ↓ + K ↓↘→ + B or D (on Air) ↓↘→ + B or D (on Air) ↓↘→ + B or D (on Air)
Ikaku Gan ↓ hold ↑ + A or C ↓ hold ↑ + A or C →↓↘ + A or C →↓↘ + A or C →↓↘ + A or C
Ki Gan Hou -------- ↓↙← + A or C -------- -------- --------
Chibu Kyaku -------- ←↙↓↘→ + B or D -------- -------- --------
Hikou Baba Kyou Yume -------- →↘↓↙← + B or D -------- -------- --------
Goketsu Ryu Oganda ↓ hold ↑ + AC (Requires 1 Stress level) ↓ hold ↑ + AC(Requires 1 Stress level) -------- -------- --------
Ogan Hashira --------- ---------- ↓↘→ ↓↘→+ A or C(Requires 1 stress level) ↓↘→ ↓↘→+ A or C(Requires 1 stress level) ↓↘→ ↓↘→+ A or C(Requires 1 stress level)
Zetsu Fun -------- -------- ↙↘←→ + AC(Requires 2 stress levels) ↙↘←→ + AC(Requires 2 stress levels) ↙↘←→ + AC(Requires 2 stress levels)
Shin Ogan Hashira --------- ------- ↓↘→ ↓↘→ ↓↘→+ A or C(Requires 3 stress meters) ↓↘→ ↓↘→ ↓↘→+ A or C(Requires 3 stress meters) ↓↘→ ↓↘→ ↓↘→+ A or C(Requires 3 stress meters)